

“Don’t Just Write Words. Write Music.” said Gary Provost

Wisdom from other disciplines and genres can shine a different light.

A shift in perspective can open doors. And create movement.

In Provost’s 1oo Ways to Improve Your Writing, he talks about the rhythm of writing. About the effect of long and short sentences. How they feel. The balance between the two allows the reader to rest. Space. To breathe. And how, in the right moment, you can carry them on a curious journey with detail and texture that raises the temperature, speeds up the heart rate, driving blood through their veins with enough anticipation that they can taste passion on the buds of  their tongue. 

Before delivering the essence of the message, with a line that illustrates the importance of balance, and rhythm.

A pearl of wisdom with a wider relevance than the written word.

Don’t just design stuff.  Design Harmony.

Image originally found via Swissmiss